Total Solar Eclipse in Leo August 21: The Great American Eclipse

solar eclipse

There is often great hype over eclipses. Some believe, as they did in ancient times, that they represent omens, periods of crisis and turmoil. With the dramatic visuals taking place in the sky, whether it be the reddening of the moon with the lunar eclipse, or the sudden darkening of the day sky with the solar eclipse, it is easy to see how some could have been swayed to view eclipses as menacing and unfavorable.

Over time, however, improvements in science and technology have given us a better understanding of what is actually taking place in our skies, helping to ease the negative stigma and fears of doom.

If we consider eclipses for what they are, intensified phases of the Moon, the new moon and full moon, more specifically. Wherein the earth, Sun and Moon align almost perfectly to the degree; casting a mysterious red glow on the Moon or allowing us to view the light of the crown of the Sun, peaking around the Moon – in the midst of day – it becomes easier to see them in a more positive, special, naturally rhythmic way.

Just as eclipses are created by the cycle of the Moon, eclipses represent the cycles in our lives. They often usher in new beginnings and bring about abrupt endings, triggering something within us to move forward on our path. Eclipses are about change and transformation. Sometimes eclipses present us with unexpected obstacles. These obstacles, whether internal or external, usually force us to reconnect with ourselves, to face our emotions, and to explore our own personal darkness.

While this can often feel confusing and life may seem uncertain or difficult to navigate, beneath the darkness that looms is great opportunity. Eclipses present us with a window of growth; often bringing to surface emotions, desires or memories that lay buried beneath the surface. The surfacing of these pent up parts of ourselves serves to further our development, to accelerate our advancement and to help us honor the truth of who we are.

Eclipses, which typically occur about four times a year, come in pairs. Each pair includes a solar eclipse, correlating with the new moon, and a lunar eclipse, correlating with the full moon. In the weeks leading up to the eclipses, it is common to feel energy building within us and accumulating around us. In the two weeks between these eclipses, we are seemingly propelled from one eclipse to the other. Life tends to feel fast-paced, jam-packed with feelings and change, and like we are on the verge of some sort of tipping point or breakthrough. Usually, we are.

“The Great American Eclipse”
The approaching solar eclipse has created quite a buzz among the public. While solar eclipses are rather common events, occurring 2-4 times a year, most tend to happen over oceans or less populated areas. This solar eclipse, however, nicknamed “The Great American Eclipse”, will be one that most of us in the U.S can take part in. As the moon passes in front of the Sun, it will cast its dark shadow on the United States and traverse the entire country. Beginning in the Pacific Ocean, the eclipse will reach the coast of Oregon just after 9am and move eastward on through Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia and South Carolina. Cities across the U.S that lay in the eclipse’s path of totality are expecting a huge surge in tourism, as travelers from all over the world flock to witness this magical celestial event. While only those directly in the path of totality will get to experience the darkening effect of the eclipse, those outside the path of totality will be able to view some of the magic in the sky as well. Los Angeles will get to witness a partial solar eclipse with about 63% of the Sun blocked by the Moon, while views from New York will show as much as 71% of the Sun blocked out.

For more on this eclipse and how you can best prepare to witness it, check out:

 Additionally, many in the astrological community have been curiously awaiting this eclipse, anxious to see the way in which its events cumulate regarding U.S politics and more specifically, the U.S. President. This eclipse occurs in the 28° of Leo, the very same degree that was on the horizon at the time of President Donald Trump’s birth. This degree also opposes the Moon’s position in the Sibley chart for the United States. All of this suggests that some powerful changes are in store for both the U.S. and the American President.

The 28° of Leo is a point of focus for reasons of other astrological significance as well. In addition to the eclipse taking place here, this is also the point that Mercury will station direct in once it completes its retrograde. The fact that both of these astrological events take place within the same degree closely connects and ties together the more personal intentions of the retrograde and eclipse; intentions inspiring us to recognize our inner strength, to be bold, face our demons and to welcome the uncertainty of change in with open arms.

For more on Mercury Retrograde, check out:
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: Mindfully Evolving

Total Solar Eclipse In Leo
On August 21st, the Sun and Moon will meet up in the 28° of Leo for the much anticipated “Great American Total Solar Eclipse.” This eclipse is a culmination of the powerful transformative energy that has been building over the last month or so, particularly the last few weeks since the Lunar Eclipse on August 7th.

For more on the Lunar Eclipse, check out:
Aquarius Lunar Eclipse August 7: Channeling Our Inner Fire

Leo is an exciting, dramatic, exuberant sign that enjoys living life to the fullest and being the center of attention. Associated with the Lion, the king of the jungle, Leo possesses an air of regality and a natural sense of authority. Leo is strong, expressive and magnetic with the heart of the performer.

With the Sun and Moon merging together in the Leo, our sense of self and purpose aligns with our emotions. Mars, also in Leo, adds our drive and will power to the merging energies of the self. The combination of the Sun, the Moon and Mars channeling the energy of Leo suggests we are likely to be feeling bold, strong and ready to take charge. It is time to move forward, to make some big personal changes and in some cases to make our mark on the world.

All of the fiery energy in the sky suggests that egos are likely to be running high; the desire to be recognized, seen and heard is in full force for many of us. Mars in Leo also adds a flair of aggression to the air and can increase feelings of possessiveness. During this time, it can be easy to get caught up in our own viewpoints, what we want and think without considering the thoughts or wants of others. If leadership is the aim here, it is important to remember that it is those leaders who learn to work with others and consider the wants of the people that are often remembered as most impactful. If on the other hand, you find yourself simply involved in conflicts or discussions of opposing perspectives – try to listen to others and give them the benefit of the doubt. Make it your mission to treat others the way you want to be treated.

With so much heightened energy in Leo, we are being driven to express our truest self. However, with the intensity of the eclipse triggering a sense of transformation and growth within all of us, the way in which we are “driven” is likely to present itself as lessons where we find ourselves forced to face uncomfortable encounters with authority figures, or intimidating situations where we feel we as though we must prove ourselves. These situations, while often provoked by outside stimuli, are likely to feel personal – shedding light on our inner demons,  darkness, feelings of failure and inadequacies. While this can feel scary, sometimes painful andsend us into a sort of  “fight or flight” mode, the intention of this energy is not to leave us feeling helpless but to fuel our strength. The Leo energy provides us with just the right tools and determination to connect with our sense of courage and bravery and to recognize the light that shines within.

Like in the chart for the Lunar eclipse, all of this energy is being channeled through the 10th house. This placement emphasizes our position in the world, our successes and failures in our career and public reputation. With the Sun, Moon and Mars here, we are again being encouraged to put our boldest self forward for the world to see. Unlike the sky two weeks ago where the Sun and Moon sat in tense opposition to each other that represented an element of discrepancy between our ego and emotional self, the new moon / solar eclipse now unites these parts of us and creates more focused intention. However, as the element of free will is always part of the equation with astrology, it is up to us what we choose to focus this intention on.

Additionally, with so many planets in Leo in the 10th house, we are being challenged to push ourselves to go the highest level: to be the best that we can be, the most creative and authentic versions of ourselves and express the parts of us that we have been too inhibited or shy to share. We must recognize that though we may not feel as though our thoughts or talents are “good enough” or worth sharing, failing to acknowledge and share one’s essence only serves to damper one’s inner light and diminish one’s personal sense of power. Leo encourages us to know our ability, to believe that we can achieve that which we put our heart and mind to, and to trust in our own experience.

While the eclipse emphasizes moving forward and more extroverted behavior,Mercury retrograde making its way towards the eclipse in Leo has the tendency to make us feel like we are taking one step forward and two steps backwards. And, although Leo is sociable, chatty and loves to have a good time, Mercury retrograde in Virgo can feel more introverted and shy. With so much change taking place within all of us, it is important to respect the process of transformation. It is easy to over-do it with so much “can do” energy in the air. Listen to your body. If you need a little time to yourself to recharge – make sure you take it.

The eclipse also forms a square to Uranus in the 6th house. Uranus is unpredictable, rebellious and progressive. It pulls us away from the status quo, reinforcing the idea of individuality and uniqueness. Uranus in the 6th house associated with service, can feel victimized and insecure. Uranus is also tensely squaring the eclipse, and as such, can create some pretty explosive energy that leads to incredible innovative ideas and solutions to problems and issues of the past. However, it can also display as rambunctious, wild and selfish – giving way to potential conflicts, protests and acting out in order to make oneself heard or noticed. Leave room for others to act as they will, this is not likely to be the time to talk someone out of their ways.

Meanwhile, Saturn in Sagittarius in the 2nd house trines both the eclipse and Uranus, urging us to be responsible. We must be responsible to ourselves; to provide for ourselves and to create a safe place for ourselves. This responsibility fuels Uranus and fuels the changes the planet is pushing for us to implement, as well as to help us make the transformation that the eclipse has inspired within us. Saturn’s presence here also reminds us of the importance of hard work and discipline. It is often easier to blame others for one’s’ shortcomings and failures than it is to own up to them, but does scapegoating really ease the feelings of incompetency? Saturn in the 2nd house helps us to achieve our goals by bridging the connection between the effort we put into our work and our self esteem.

While this eclipse marks the climax of the energies that have been building over the last month, it does not necessarily signify that the end is here. Though the intensity is likely to start tapering off, whatever has surfaced during the eclipse will probably take a bit to sink in. Mercury’s retrograde helps us to continue refining and redefining ourselves for another two weeks as it inches towards the 28° of Leo, the same degree the eclipse took place in. Once it arrives there on September 5th, Mercury will slow down and station direct where it will resume its forward motion. Though the energies may not have completely subsided at that point, we are likely to feel more sure-footed with the changes we have made and be more comfortable in the new skin we have created for ourselves. The eclipse will have left its mark on us and within us.

The specific effects of planetary transits differ based on where planets are located in one’s natal chart and where the current planets are transiting. The above is a general forecast based off a chart designed for the aspect discussed.  If you would like more personalized advice, or have questions or feedback of any kind, please send me an email!